CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) is a set of basic persistent operation on a module can do. For example, your company comes to manage a marketing event. The CRUD of this marketing is when it can create an event, get the list or individual event, update event, ultimately delete event. ๐
This is something we had always done in coding tutorial. Since we met it in the very first phase of our learning, we often underestimate it.
We are now talking about complex data structure on our module, it is something that difficult to draw in ER diagram. Next, how are we going to create an object of that. How do we even update that? Think of a set of rule that will limit our CRUD operation.
Don't underestimate things shall we? ๐ง
And now, you are living in 2022 when they pay you millions but you are dragging a critical mission about months. Shame on you, you get it over and over in the tutorial but you still could not get fast? ๐ณ
Well, I do not blame you. We always drag others. Not because we are bad, but the problem does require a significant amount of attention on us. Be happy, you are still worth it to pay that much ๐
Again, you are living in 2022, or you have passed already. Stack Overflow is our best friend, we also have Reddit if SO doesn't give us any good. Even, there are bunches of people who have been writing an interesting project which exactly solves your problem.
By the way, we are still talking about CRUD. Did you know there is a long live open source project that can give you a rich feature back office admin dashboard called Directus?
Directus can give you a boost where you only need to think about the data structure, where it can help you for the CRUD. I use it for my latest personal project!
For you who greed enough, there even open source project that can give you both front end and back end. I have been seen it quite sometime, Budibase, it even seems as shiny as directus does. Can not wait to test it on production.
I did not get a chance to really invest on boilerplate, which I believe there are tons of it already in you favorite languages.
But, let's be honest. We often prefer write it from scratch than adopt existing one. The true reason that I feel mostly is adopting new one requires time and effort to learn. Just spit it, we are too board to learn.
At least, that was my case. I hope you are not, because again you are too expensive just to work on these repetitive works. Better to allocate your brain on scalability issue that has been around for sometime in your company.